Tuesday, February 4, 2014


10:41pm  preparing to livetweet 'the hobbit' by smoking pot and drinking beer 

10:41pm  took half a bar of xanax

10:42pm  thought 'fuck, i hope gandalf is in this a lot' while staring at wall in silence

10:43pm  wish i was watching in 3D, feel like i am 'making a huge mistake'

10:46pm  watching with subtitles 'just in case'

10:47pm  trying to understand....how is this movie is 2hr49min............

10:49pm  have thought 'you assholes' ~10-15 times already, directed at no one in particular

10:51pm  the hobbit seems similar to 'skyrim'

10:51pm  i don't care abt this...

10:55pm  elijah wood's skin looks so smooth......

10:56pm  everyone has weird skin

10:59pm  wait...gandalf is also dumbledore...(?) y/n i'm sorry i don't remember idk...(embarassed)

11:01pm  most JRPGs have a better intro than this. "a wizard invites you on a quest. y/n?"

11:04pm  yo am i supposed to remember the dwarves names...i don't wanna do that, idk, seems too hard

11:09pm  what the fuck are these dwarfs doing...juggling and singing and shit...what the fuck is this

11:11pm  'thorin oakenshield' is the name of the main dwarf he is 'serious' / 'badass' / 'brave' etc

11:14pm  do you think....do you think these dwarves look 'cool' / 'fashionable'...in 'dwarven society'????

11:14pm  i read 'the hobbit' when i was ~10yrs old, pretty sure it was not like this

11:15pm  i thought the dwarves wanted the dragon's gold bc...'dragon's gold'....

11:22pm  feels like ~80% of the dwarves are peaking on MDMA

11:26pm  bilbo screaming 'i'm going on an adventure' while running down a mountain into the woods

11:31pm  everyone is afraid of orcs

11:31pm  scene of orcs fighting dwarves...thinking abt warcraft or like...magic the gathering maybe

11:32pm  pale Orc is sweet

11:32pm  trying to understand within myself what i 'need' from this movie (idk)

11:34pm  just told my girlfriend i couldn't talk because 'i have to focus on the hobbit'

11:35pm  thought 'this exposition doesn't matter' and then 'bring on the orcs'

11:36pm  bilbo just implied gandalf is a 'bad wizard', thought to myself 'gandalf is not dumbledore'

11:43pm  wondering if hobbits ever masturbate

11:46pm  serious dwarf said 'i don't need their advice' while refusing help from elves, gandalf stormed off

11:47pm  disgusting shit is happening.........

11:49pm  still unsure if the hobbit is a comedy or not

11:52pm  can't stop thinking abt how funny it must've been to film the hobbit

11:53pm  gandalf said [something] in an 'intense / triumphant' tone of voice & slammed his staff into the ground, immediately killing all the giants

11:55pm  repeatedly thinking the words 'gnarled staff' and 'black mage'

11:58pm  the other wizard has green mold on his face

12:03am  this scene reminds me of star wars for no concrete / explainable reason

12:06am  gandalf hid behind a medium sized rock and yelled 'this way you fools!!!!!!!'

12:09am  shifted my position, am now lying on my back with my ipad leaning against my thighs (legs are bent)

12:14am  want to watch a youtube video of gandalf and lord elrond playing magic the gathering

12:17am  pale Orc is cool [did i tweet this already...]

12:18am  these dwarves are mad short

12:20am  seems insane that cate blanchett is in this

12:22am  gandalf seems like he is high on cocaine

12:23am  feel like gandalf is the only one who has 'heard of tumblr'...maybe saruman has a tumblr but never logs in to it

12:38am  haven't been paying attention, thought 'i don't care what happens to these hobbits'

12:40am  this feels like a 'thriller for 10yr olds'

12:42am  can't believe i am still watching the hobbit

12:48am  gollum has pretty eyes

12:55am  keep imagining bilbo with a lightsaber

12:56am  keep imagining gandalf as obi wan

12:57am  keep imagining gollum as emperor palpatine but shitty

12:58am  'what do i have in my pockets' is not a riddle

1:08am  worried abt gollum

1:11am  bilbo said 'i miss my books' in front of a sunset while triumphant music played

1:14am  gandalf just kissed a butterfly....

1:16am  imagining gandalf looking at the screen, winking & saying 'come back for Part 2!!' while laughing 'maniacally' as 'looney tunes' music plays

1:17am  feel like gandalf would be 'lame' / 'shitty' / 'cheap' etc in a game of 'magic the gathering'

1:18am  ppl are screaming 'nooooo'

1:21am  giant birds are 'saving the day'

1:25am  overheard someone in the movie say 'i'm sorry i doubted you' while i checked instagram

1:28am  okay it is over

1:30am  want to eat a burrito / feel like i remember someone saying 'drink his blood' as a non-sequitur

1:42am  would not watch 'the hobbit' again but i would play it if it was a jrpg for snes

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